When you’re looking for expanded coverage options, umbrella policies Salt Lake City are a lifeline. Starting with basic coverage, such as auto or home insurance, considers a wide variety of risks, but for something more robust that covers you during the unexpected, you need an umbrella policy.

Your umbrella policy will take effect when your other coverage exhausts during a covered event. The idea is that the umbrella drops down to fill in the gaps in your policy and keep you, your family, or your business safe. It shields you against financial losses that could include property damage, personal liability, and some lawsuits that your traditional policy may not cover.

Image of family to convey benefits of Umbrella policies Salt Lake Valley - Do Right Insurance

Benefits of Choosing an Umbrella Policy

If you’re not sure if you need an umbrella policy, here are some steps to make an informed decision about your insurance. The team at Do Right Insurance can also help guide you through the process to find the best coverage for you.

Increase Your Liability Protection

Good umbrella policies Salt Lake City provides liability coverage starting at around $1 to $2 million. They can be tailored to meet your needs, depending on your industry. For example, if you’re a consultant, you may need additional coverage to safeguard you against potential lawsuits or misinformation. However, you may need a smaller policy that covers you in the case of a car accident where a driver is injured and sues. If your traditional policy can’t cover your needs, an umbrella policy would fill in the gaps.

Coverage for Pet-Related Incidents

Some umbrella policies extend coverage to incidents involving pets. An umbrella policy might offer additional coverage beyond what your homeowners insurance would cover. If your dog bit someone and there was a lawsuit, an umbrella policy could help.

Protect Your Rental Properties

Do you own rental properties as a revenue-generating business? Umbrella policies Salt Lake City extend your liability coverage beyond what’s included in your typical landlord’s insurance policy. If a tenant or their guests ever sues due to an injury to your property, the right policy will protect you.

Get Coverage for Global Incidents Worldwide

If you regularly travel for work, you may need more than a standard insurance policy that’s limited to a specific geographic area or the United States. Some umbrella policies offer coverage worldwide and offer another layer of protection if you travel internationally or own property in other countries.

Secure Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage works in a similar way as liability protection. It covers you if there’s a personal injury claim, property damage, legal costs, libel, or accusations. You can consolidate multiple types of coverage under one umbrella policy to create the protection you need. Whether you want to safeguard your family, business, or personal assets, comprehensive coverage can help.

Protect Yourself From People Who Are Uninsured or Underinsured

Protection against lawsuits or claims is just one of the many ways umbrella policies Salt Lake City work. They also protect you from issues with underinsured or uninsured individuals. If you, your family, or your business are involved in a law suit or accident with someone who doesn’t have enough coverage, an umbrella policy steps in to cover your bills, even if they were incurred from an event that someone else caused.

Safeguard Your Most Valuable Assets

You work hard for your home, car, and assets, but they’re left vulnerable without the right insurance in place. You could be leaving yourself at risk without an umbrella policy to protect yourself. The team at Do Right Insurance can help you find a robust policy shield against financial loss.

Rest Easy Knowing You’re Covered

Investing in umbrella policies Salt Lake City is more than financial protection; it’s also peace of mind. They alleviate the stress of not knowing how to protect yourself, your family, and your business from the unexpected.

Work with Our Team

The team at Do Right Insurance works one-on-one with individuals and businesses to help them find the best insurance policies and coverage to meet their needs. We’re more than insurance experts; we’re passionate about our work and ensuring everyone gets the insurance they deserve. We approach everything we do with transparency to make it easy to understand your umbrella policies Salt Lake City.

We also work with several insurance providers to find the best policies, coverage, and umbrella policies for you. Depending on your needs and budget, a bundled approach might work, but other times we may recommend several providers to meet your needs at the best cost. Do Right Insurance is here to protect you and your family and give you the peace of mind you deserve.

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