Auto insurance (also known as Vehicle insurance, GAP insurance, car insurance, or motor insurance) is insurance purchased for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other road vehicles. Its primary use is to provide financial protection against physical damage and/or bodily injury resulting from traffic collisions and against liability that could also arise therefrom. The specific terms of vehicle insurance vary with legal regulations in each region. To a lesser degree vehicle insurance may additionally offer financial protection against theft of the vehicle and possibly damage to the vehicle, sustained from things other than traffic collisions.

Coverage Levels:

Vehicle insurance can cover some or all of the following items:

  • The insured party (medical payments)
  • The insured vehicle (physical damage)
  • Third parties (car and people, property damage and bodily injury)
  • Third party, fire and theft
  • In some jurisdictions coverage for injuries to persons riding in the insured vehicle is available without regard to fault in the auto accident (No Fault Auto Insurance)
  • The cost to rent a vehicle if yours is damaged.
  • The cost to tow your vehicle to a repair facility.

Different policies specify the circumstances under which each item is covered. For example, a vehicle can be insured against theft, fire damage, or accident damage independently. Contact us today to get a quote on Auto Insurance and start protecting you, your passengers, and your vehicle today!

Carrying auto insurance Bluffdale Utah isn’t just a legal requirement; it also provides financial protection against unforeseen events that can cause damage to your vehicle or bodily injury. With so many types of coverage options available, choosing the right coverage for your needs and budget is vital to your safety. Do Right Insurance is here to help with that.

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All it takes is a few minutes to contact one of our agents. We'll collect some info and get back to you with a quote that you can compare with your current insurance. We save our customers an average of 15-20% on insurance. Contact us today.